I leave Tanzania as Presedent Bush arrives with a $300 Million Aid-Package for Tanzania to work at issues of HIV/AIDS and Malaria. While this is an incredible boost to these causes and the infrustucture will barly be able to handle this amound of money, it still pales in comparison to the $30 Billion Millitary Aid-Package that was recently given to Isreal and other similar Military Aid-Packages given to other Middle Eastern countries.
Tanzania is receiving this support in response to it complying with structural adjustment policies including Presedent Kikweti resently accepting the resignation of the Prime Minister and dissolving his cabinet to combat corruption. It will be interesting to see how much of this Aid-Package gets to where it is intended.
at the University of Dar es Salaam

and meeting his friends who attend the University of Dar es Salaam.
I fly out of Dar this afternoon, spend the night in the Dubai airport and arrive in India the next day.
1 comment:
300 million sounds great until you hear the 30 billion part. it's sad how generously we give money to funds violence, but how hesitant we are to give money to combat the violence of disease and poverty...
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